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Transforming into the Bates Motel

Cheryl MacLean

Well we did a thing this Halloween. We had a crazy idea back in June and we went for it. We turned our little marmalade motel into the Bates Motel from Psycho. Why? Well, why not?

It may be the marketer in me that is constantly searching for ways to engage an audience with new and exciting things, but I just can't resist doing the unexpected. Even in the design of the motel, I wanted to create a place that you wouldn't find anywhere else - certainly something different than what you'd find on the Eastern Shore. (I think we did it!).

Transforming the marmalade motel into the Bates Motel was no exception. We wanted to create an experience for our guests and our local community, that would transport them to another time and make them smile. And we are so grateful for all the laughs this weekend. Thank you to each and every person who was able to join us.

The transformation touched every part of the property. From the vintage props in the office and guest rooms, the signage takeover, the movie screening in our event tent and the special guest appearances by Marion Crane and Norman Bates (and of course Mother) - there really was a Bates Motel vibe all weekend long. We even made it to CTV Morning!, Norman made his own in person transformation into Mother at the end of the evening. Nearly scaring all of our lovely guests out of their seats. I'm not sure who had more fun, him or the guests.

We already have bigger plans for next year. With more activities, more surprises and an even bigger transformation! We can't wait to share everything with you. But you'll have to wait. If you didn't get in to see us this year, definitely mark your calendar for 2023.

Our next big transformation is for Christmas. Join us on December 3 for our second annual property lighting. More details will be shared in the very near future. But I promise, it will be a celebration of lights, love and Christmas magic for everyone.



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